
There are many things we take for granted in this world: personal health, general happiness, a supportive family and long-lasting friendships to name only a few. Let’s not add to the list the devotion and dedication of time freely given to our town, by our “all volunteer” fire department. 

Unlike many towns, Moffat does not have to endure the hardship of increased tax dollars necessary to support a “career”, or paid, fire department. Each active member of our fire department has completed countless additional hours through our department’s inhouse training program and external training venues. Therefore, the quality of the service we provide to our town is exceptional. 

However, none of this would be possible if it weren’t for the generosity of those who have contributed in the past and those who continue to contribute. A small donation of $25.00 goes a long way, but be as generous as these tough economic times allow. Please use the link above to donate safely and securely online today. No matter if it is a onetime donation or reoccurring, every dollar counts. Help us continue the American tradition of protecting our town through volunteerism. 

Rest assured that should you ever be alerted by the sound of your alarm, with your home or business quickly filling with smoke and heat, we will answer “the call” and make whatever sacrifices are necessary to protect your most valuable assets. Simply because … it is what we do!

Ways to Support

Please visit our donation site and make a tax deductible donation today.

Donate Here

Monthly dinners

Check out our events calender for dates and times of fundraiser dinners and other events.

other donations

We are always in need of bottled water for our first responders. Certain food items are also appreciated. If you would like to make a donation like this please reach out to